National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
***** Location: USA
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Humanity

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is dedicated to increasing awareness of the importance of early breast cancer detection.
source : www.nbcam.org
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM)
(also referred to in America as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM)) is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer.
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Worldwide use
The pink ribbon is a breast cancer solidarity symbol.
It would be great if more men wore the ribbon regularly to support the sufferers. I have actually known several men (without conspicuous man-boobs) who passed away from breast cancer -- it is not a women-only phenomenon...
sunset flight --
thinking about pink ribbons
as I type
Isabelle Prondzynski
. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .
kata-chichi o nigiri-nagara ya hatsuwarai
grasping one
of his mother's breasts --
his first smile of the year
Tr. Chris Drake
This hokku is from Issa's diary for New Year's for 1823.
It refers to Issa's infant son Konzaburo, who was born in April 1822. He greets the new year in the arms of his mother Kiku and smiles widely and auspiciously, giving Issa the impression it will be a good year for the family. Unfortunately Kiku died in June 1823 at age thirty-seven, and Konzaburo died a little less than a year later, in January 1824.
Chris Drake
. First Laugh (hatsu warai, hatsuwarai 初笑) .
Things found on the way
chilly October...
wearing a pink bracelet
for women I love
Color symbolism, in the forms of ribbons and bracelets, is pretty much apparent throughout the world, and pink has several meanings, which might be a problem for some men. My wife and several lady friends are breast cancer survivors, and it is my challenge that real men wear pink in October for the women they love.
opie, Texas
Kigo Hotline
Japanese haiku about "breast"
- Compiled by Larry Bole -
haguki kayuku chikubi kamu ko ya hanagumori
gums itching
the baby bites my nipple--
spring's hazy sky
--Sugita Hisajo, Tr. Ueda
futokoro ni chibusa aru usa tsuyu nagaki
with two breasts
between my shoulders, and this gloom--
season rain without end
--Katsura Nobuko, Tr. Ueda
The nuisance
of breasts--
a long rainy season.
Tr. Leza Lowitz, Miyuki Aoyama, and Akemi Tomioka
what a drag
with these boobs in my blouse <>
long rainy season
Tr. Gabi Greve
tamashii mo chibusa mo aki wa ude no naka
the soul, the breasts
and all else are held in the arms
when autumn arrives
--Uda Kiyoko, Tr. Ueda
Soul and breasts
in my arms
in autumn.
Tr. Lowitz, Aoyama, and Tomioka
subarashii chibusa da ka ga iru
Splendid breasts--
there is a mosquito.
--Ozaki Hoosai, Tr. Ueda
mune hiyuru made ni sukisuku araigami
My shampooed hair
I comb and comb it
till my breast is cold
--Yoshiko Yoshino, Tr. Gurga & Miyashita
kosodateshi chibusa yuzuyu ni itoshimu mo
In a 'yuzu' bath
how cherished the breasts
that suckled my children
--Yoshiko Yoshino, Tr. Gurga & Miyashita
Translators' note:
'Yuzu' is a citron added to a hot bath on the night of the winter soltice.
samishisa no chibusa daki neru tsuyuyo kana
nights of rain--
lonely, I fall asleep
holding my breasts
--Yoshiko Yoshino, Tr. Donegan & Ishibashi
I hold my lonely breasts
and go to sleep -
nights of the rainy season
Tr. Gabi Greve
kusa ikire nyonin yutakanaru chibusa moteri
the sultry grass--
and a woman
with voluptuous breasts
--Ippekiro Nakatsuka, Tr. Donegan & Ishibashi
soi-chi-ne no wasure chibusa ni hae tomaru
A fly settles
On the breast
A sleeping babe has forgotten to suck.
--Hino Soojoo, Tr. Yuzuru Miura
hot bathwater
cold on the breastless side
spring thunder
‘Ah!’ hot bath water
cold on the breastless side
spring thunder
source : www.modernhaiku.org
Ogino Yoko, Tr. unknown
yukata kite shoojo no chibusa takakarazu
The breasts of a girl
Wearing a cotton 'kimono'
Are lying smooth
Takahama Kyoshi, Tr. Katsuya Hiromoto
in her yukata
the young girl's breasts
not high at all
Tr. from U. of Virginia Etext Initiative/Japanese/haiku
yu-agari ya chibusa fukaruru hashisuzumi
From a bath
winds touch the nipples
verandah cools
Masaoka Shiki, Tr. David McMurray
after the bath -
a cool breeze from the veranda
touches my nipples
Tr. Gabi Greve
Japanese haiku about chibusa, oppai,
source : HAIKUreikuDB
the scent
of its mother's breast
April infant
her breasts
under the kimono
hunter's moon
Ella Wagemakers
by the river
women washing clothes-
rocking breasts
This image I got in a remote town, Dharchula, on Indo-Nepal border in the Himalayas, where beside the river Mahakali women would often come to wash their clothes.
Sunil Uniyal
New Delhi, 2012
fifty stitches
across her chest ...
one more thing to kiss
(written 20 years ago
for a woman who had lost her breasts)
- Shared by John Wisdom -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Related words
. WKD : Body Parts and Haiku .
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