Florida is a state of the United States.
It is located in the Southeastern United States, bordering Alabama to the northwest and Georgia to the north. Much of the land mass of the state is a large peninsula with the Gulf of Mexico to the west, the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Caribbean to the south. Florida was admitted as the 27th U.S. state in 1845, after over three hundred years of settlement and colonization.
Florida is nicknamed the "Sunshine State" because of its generally warm climate—subtropical in the northern and central regions of the state, with a true tropical climate in the southern portion.
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Climate of Florida
The climate of North and Central Florida is humid subtropical. South Florida has a tropical climate. There is a defined rainy season from June through September, which are the months most at risk of landfalling tropical cyclones. Thunderstorms, though lightning, lead to several deaths per year statewide. Florida is one of the most tornado-prone states in the United States.
During mid summer, dust emanating from Africa affects the state, turning skies white and decreasing air quality.
Dry Season
Between October and May, fronts regularly sweep through the state which keeps conditions dry, particularly over the peninsula.
Towards the end of the dry season in the spring, brush fires become common statewide.
In winters where an El NiƱo climate cycle exists, rainfall increases while temperatures are cooler statewide.
In North Florida, snow and sleet have been witnessed as early as November and as late as April, though most areas do not experience any frozen precipitation during a typical year. Easterly winds off the warm waters of the Gulf Stream running through the Florida Straits keep temperatures moderate across the southern peninsula year round.
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This part of Florida has a temperate-hot climate. And that means:
- Summer (May - September) is the most popular period.
- Winter (December-April) is the off-peak period in northern Florida, and there are some cold days, though temperatures are normally very agreeable.
- June to October is the hurricane period.
- It rains less in winter than in summer, but showers tend to be short.
- April to May ("Florida's Spring") and
- September to November ("Florida's Autumn")
(Autumn is a particularly good period in terms of temperatures and precipitation). Spring and Autumn have very pleasant weather.
source : www.best-time-to-travel.com
The seasons can be classified according to the equinoxes and solstices.
Spring technically starts March 20 and goes through to June 21.
It starts to get quite hot by May, sometimes April and is still very warm around Halloween.
"Winter" is never too cold. Once in a while it gets down to freezing, but
that is rare (and in the evening).
For haiku we establish the following two seasons:
rainy season : June till September
dry season : October till May
we might add spring and autumn as defined above.
This classification is still under construction.
under construction
. . . . . KIGO . . . ABC
Beech, American beech trees
Dogwood, Cornus florida
Grapefruit League (USA)
Grebe (Podiceps family of Birds)
Iron rain
Jasmine, Jasmine dichotomum, "Brazilian Jasmine"
Oyster, Eastern Oyster Crassostrea virginica
Rattlesnake, Florida rattlesnake
. . . . . HAIKU TOPICS
Armadillo - Dasypus novemcinctus
Crow, American crow . Corvus brachyrhynchos
Place names in Florida
Hammock Park
Honeymoon Island
Wekiva Springs State Park
Pool cage
Possum, Opossum - marsupials
Raspberry leaf tea
(to induce labor in pregnant women)
Snowy Owl, Bubo scandiacus
. . . . . HAIKU POETS
Laura Sherman
Laura Sherman is a mother of three young children. She lives in Florida with her husband of seventeen years. Laura is a chess coach and freelance writer. Although she has always enjoyed the beauty of haiku, it was only in early 2010 that she began to write them. A few months later she began to chronicle her haiku adventure with The Haiku Foundation on a blog series called . Quicksilver .
Her purpose was to encourage others to try their haiku wings. Today she moderates a forum with the Haiku Foundation called “New To Haiku.”
Her own BLOGS are
Special Thanks go to Laura
for her valubable contributions to the WKD.
Florida Haiku (or any state)
By - Carolyn Murray
Students will create Haiku poems about the state of Florida and place their poems on pictures of something resembling their poem.
Haiku poems are made of 3 lines where the first and third lines consist of 5 syllables and the second line 7 syllables.
ESOL students will be able to perform all of the preceding areas of content using any type of media to express their haiku. Students can rely on anything learned to date about the state of Florida.
Can you make me a haiku poetry about
the florida panther ?
Endangered Panther
Living in captivity
Florida kills you
source : Yahoo questions and answers
thinking Florida -
a crocodile smiles
in my dream
Gabi Greve
February 2011

. North American Saijiki Projects
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