Soosan Firooz
***** Location: Afghanistan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity
Afgahanistan’s first female rapper has made her debut. Soosan Firooz or Sosan Firooz, there seems to be a little bit of discrepancy in how her name is spelled exactly, has made history as a rapper in a country that doesn’t really approve of woman taking the stage.

As you can tell from the above photo Firooz is a beauty and once you take a look at the below video you will know she has a killer voice to boot. The 23-year old is telling her story via music, rap music that is and it certainly is something to listen to. Not only is she taking a stand by performing her music, because woman are so not allowed to do that in her country but rap is virtually unheard of over there. In fact the musical genre is really just now started to get a following in Afghanistan.
Her music may be new to her country but for Soosan or Sosan it is the best way for her to express herself.
By Rachel Lewis :
source : www.rightentertainment.com
More information and videos
- Reference -
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Kabul at twilight
Soosan Firooz's first rap song
lingers on
Chen-ou Liu
Listen to Firooz's first rap song, Suhrab Sirat
source : www.youtube.com
Read below the translated version of the lyrics in English:
Hear my stories and hear
Hear my sorrows, my sadness
Hear the story of my displacement and homelessness
We were lost, we were lost, lost around the world
War drove me out of my homeland
We were frozen, they wore us coffins
Expatriate begun, hardship begun
The stage of destitution, the stage of misfortune
Bullets showered us, our farm burnt to ground, our trees dried up
Tearful, we crossed the border
Like wingless bird, with no wings
Wings, wings, wings, wings...
We were lost, we were lost, lost around the world
In the country of strange our child was abused
Our educated ones became street workers
We ate our own body when we were starved
We drank our own tears when we were thirsty
We thought going to Europe bring us joy
We might find a living, we might end suffering
But we were stuck in the refugee camps
Where our skins were extinct
I dreamt kissing the dust of my homeland
We were kings and queens in our own land
But here, we are waiters and dish washers
''I don't know, I don't know, oh my god, oh my god''
We have forgotten our own tongue
We were human beings too but why abused?
We ran everywhere like worthless objects
In the country of our neighbor they called us 'dirty Afghan'
In the line of bakery, they left us at end
What did we achieve in Iran and Pakistan?
Half became addicted, other half became terrorists
But, but we are hopeful now
United from now on
No more child abuse, woman abuse
No more going silent
We were lost, we were lost, lost all around the world
No more Europe, Iran, or Pakistan
From now on it will be Afghanistan
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