
Penguin Antarctica

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Penguin in Antarctica

***** Location: Antarctica
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Animal


The Emperor Penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri)
is the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species and is endemic to Antarctica. The male and female are similar in plumage and size, reaching 122 cm (48 in) in height and weighing anywhere from 22 to 45 kg (49 to 99 lb). The dorsal side and head are black and sharply delineated from the white belly, pale-yellow breast and bright-yellow ear patches.

Like all penguins it is flightless, with a streamlined body, and wings stiffened and flattened into flippers for a marine habitat.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


5 Emperor penguin facts:

1. At over 1m tall and weighing up to 40 kgs the emperor penguin is the largest of all the penguins.
2. For about 9 weeks through each harsh Antarctic winter, male emperor penguins incubate a single egg laid by its mate.
3. Male emperor penguins huddle in groups of up to 5000 to survive the harsh Antarctic winter.
4. The emperor penguin is the first species to have its population estimated by studying images taken from space.
5. A survey published in 2012 indicated that there are twice as many emperor penguins than previously thought.
source : www.arkive.org

Worldwide use


Der deutsche Name Pinguin stammt direkt von dem englischen Wort penguin ab und leitet sich vermutlich von walisisch pen gwyn „weißer Kopf“ her. Pinguine haben allerdings keine weißen Köpfe; die Bezeichnung penguin bezog sich ursprünglich auf den auf der Nordhalbkugel im Atlantik beheimateten, heute ausgestorbenen flugunfähigen Riesenalk (ehemals Pinguinus impennis), bei dem die Flügel ebenfalls zu Flossen umgebildet waren.
Obwohl mit diesem nicht näher verwandt, wurde der Name von Seeleuten auf die oberflächlich ähnlich aussehenden Pinguine übertragen.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Things found on the way

Penguin and Daruma ペンギンだるま


source : piyococoro

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Penguin Dolls ペンギンダルマ

This penguin comes out from the egg of a dinosaur!

source :kenosuke.exblog.jp


source : Kazuoki Ueda

tsuchi ningyoo  土人形 clay dolls

pengin dorei ペンギン 土鈴 clay bells


kokeshi ペンギンこけし wooden dolls


ema ペンギン 絵馬 votive amulet with penguins


CLICK on each of the images above for more samples.

. Toys and Talismans from Japan . 


pengin raamen ペンギン ラーメン Ramen noodle soup

. Penguin Senbei ペンギン せんべい crackers .


Matsuo Basho in Matsushima


Emperor penguins, Antarctica

source : Glen Grant, National Science Foundation

facing summer
six kings in one place
is a crowd

- Shared by Jimmy ThePeach -
Joys of Japan, 2013


penguin goods -
the more I search
to more I find

Gabi Greve

and now a whole lot of them, including a tea pot :)
CLICK on the image for more!

source : yaplog.relaxlive.info

Related words



1 comment:

Jimmy ThePeach said...

Gabi, these penguin daruma dolls are precious. I should have know you would find them. :~D